Farid Ahmadian / Python

Python Cheet Sheet

Send and Recive json

import json
import requests
data = {
 "radioType": "gsm",
 "cellTowers": [
   "cellId": 20102,    "locationAreaCode": 5241,    "mobileCountryCode": 432,    "mobileNetworkCode": 11
   "cellId": 10102,    "locationAreaCode": 5241,    "mobileCountryCode": 432,    "mobileNetworkCode": 11
   "cellId": 20372,    "locationAreaCode": 5241,    "mobileCountryCode": 432,    "mobileNetworkCode": 11
   "cellId": 30243,    "locationAreaCode": 5241,    "mobileCountryCode": 432,    "mobileNetworkCode": 11
   "cellId": 30102,    "locationAreaCode": 5241,    "mobileCountryCode": 432,    "mobileNetworkCode": 11
   "cellId": 20050,    "locationAreaCode": 5241,    "mobileCountryCode": 432,    "mobileNetworkCode": 11
data_json = json.dumps(data)
r = requests.get('https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/geolocate?key=test', data = data_json)
print r.content

Navigate whole directory and make index for files

import sys,os
f1=open('./index.html', 'w+')
print >> f1,""
for path, subdirs, files in os.walk("."):
    tmp = ""
    for name in files:
        file = os.path.join(path, name)
        if file.startswith('./.git') == False and file.startswith('./index') == False :
            if tmp != path :
                tmp = path
                print >>f1, "<h3>"+path+"</h3>"
            print >>f1, "<a href='"+file+"'>"+name+"</a><br/>"

BY: Farid Ahmadian
TAG: python, gis
DATE: 2014-01-27 19:36:53

Farid Ahmadian / Python [ TXT ]

With many thanks and best wishes for dear Pejman Moghadam, someone who taught me alot in linux and life :)