How To Extend LVM Disk ================================ The Refrence video was and then I wrote down usefull commands: pvs vgs lvs fdisk -l fdisk /dev/... => n => t => L maybe reboot! pvcreate /dev/sda... vgdisplay Look at free PE/Size if it was 0 go for: vgextend /dev/sda... lvdisplay pvscan lvextend -L+<5>G /dev/.../root vgdisplay df -h resize2fs /dev/.../root or xfs_growfs /dev/.../root df -h Example ******************************************************************************** # With vgdisplay you can see how much unallocated space (Free PE / Size) you have and decide how much you want to allocate vgdisplay # With lvdisplay you can find your LV path lvdisplay # Extend the size of the logical volume lvextend --size +<>G <> # Resize the filesystem resize2fs <> # Check outputs and make sure everything is correct lvdisplay df -h dmesg -T ******************************************************************************** _BY: Farid Ahmadian_ _TAG: LVM_ _DATE: 2020-01-22 17:10:00_